Monday, September 26, 2011

Last Post from Kumasi...

for this year anyway, oh wait, maybe I shouldn't have added that last part. Forget you read that.

I was going to go to the Cultural Center today and pick up some stuff, but its raining so I likely won't make it there today. So I'll have alot of shopping to do tomorrow. But its not like I didn't do the exact same this last year and leave everything till the last minute. Actually this year is a little better, I did a good amount of shopping on Friday.

I went to church on sunday, my last sunday and the pastor of the church I went to lives right beside where I do and invited me, so I made sure to be there. When I got there, me and the other person I was with tried to sneak in and sit in the back. Well, as an obruni, its impossible to sneak anywhere, the pastor seen us and brought us up to the very front to sit in on of the six chairs that they had at the very front. Not one of the at least 144 chairs they had sitting there (yeah, I counted), nope, one of the 6 chairs they had at the very front, facing the 144 chairs. And then we had to introduce ourselves, yeah, just draw more attention to the obruni sitting directly infront of everyone else.

I also had someone come and sit beside me and translate what the pastor was saying, because the majority of the service was in twi. Then near the end I was told that they wanted me to stand infront of everyone again, and talk about what I do at the childrens home. I had about 2 minutes to think of something interesting to say and then talked to the well over 100 people there. Then they had a guy come and stand beside me and translate everything I said into twi.

It was an interesting experience and I'm glad I went to the local church. Now that its all said and done anyway. I wasn't to happy about the speach part when they told me about it. But there was no way I could say no and not do it.

I have 2 more days at the childrens home and my flight leaves on Thursday night. I still don't want to go, although there was one point during the weekend I was actually excited for a minute or two about going home, so it will all be good. Once I start my journey back home I'll cheer up, that's what happened last time and hopefully is the same this time.

Don't know what else to tell you guys, I'll update everyone when I get back home. That is after I'm done catching up on sleep that I will have no doubt lost flying for a whole day.

Have a great day everyone and I'll see you guys when I get back.

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