Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 Weeks to go..

Two weeks from right now I will be headed back to Accra to begin my journey home. And I don't really want to start that journey. I like, check that, love it here and although I do really miss everyone at home, I just really want to stay.

Ok, now back to the stuff that's actually happening. At the childrens home, school has started back up so instead of a lot of little girls at the girls home, there is only a few. Its really quiet. Today I sat with one of the girls for most of the day. She fell asleep on me at one point. It was a nice day. Not to much screaming and crying for a change.

Of the 4 1/2 total months I've been in Kumasi, I'm still being suprised that there are still times when I get in a tro from the market, and I go a different way back to Asabi. I've done it 3 different times this year. Last year all the tro's went the exact same way back home. Its weird. There seems to be a lot more traffic this year. I'm not sure what it is, but there always seems to be a line up of cars everywhere. I don't think there was that much last year.

Don't know what else to tell you. Its been pretty good here. Athough I won't miss the stupid chickens that like to stand right outside my window and make tons of noise. I hate those things. That and the power going out for several hours the past 3 days. It sucks at night because the fan isn't on then, and it gets really hot in my room.

That's if for now. I'll be back at some point.

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