Saturday, September 10, 2011

Third Post this Week...

On Wednesday nights here in Kumasi, all the volunteers in the city head to the Projects Abroad office for our weekly meeting. Which usually involves a quiz, the meetings are quite a lot of fun and a good chance to see the volunteers that you don't see during the week. After the meeting we usually head out for supper somewhere and have some good food. Most of the time its about 8 or 9 when we head back home. We all just get drop taxis, which sometimes takes a while. Last meeting, after supper we were standing on the street waiting to get a taxi, and I was talking to one of the drivers, we finally agreed on a price and I jumped in. He then told me that I have been in his taxi before, and he has taken me back home once. I was suprised being as there are sooo many taxis here, that I figured I'd never be in the same one twice. But after talking to this driver for a few minutes, I think I actually had been in his taxi before. I kinda remembered him.

Every once in a while you will get a taxi driver who really likes to chat. This guy was one of them. He was asking me if I had a kid, the answer was yes, and I told him I had a 2 year old son. And when he turns 3 I will have another kid, a girl this time. He asked me where my kid is now and I said that he's back in Canada, and my mom is looking after him. He asked if I was married, the answer was yes, the answer is always yes to that question.  Then he proceeded to tell me that all the cars in Africa are too old and that I should talk to the Canadian gov't and get them to send over 5000 Toyota Corolla's. I told him I'd see what I could do.

Short post today, I don't know what else to say, I got less than 3 weeks and it really sucks that time went by so fast. But don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean I don't want to see everyone back home. But if your reading this you know how much I like it here. Maybe when I win the lottery I will pay for everyone to make a trip out here and see what I like so much.

1 comment:

  1. OK we are FORD people so we won't be buying any Toyota's. And your 2 year old son is actually a girl and furry, and has been crapping all over the back yard. She misses you and says sorry about the mess on your bed!
