Friday, August 19, 2011

They really like Cameras

I knew they liked cameras, but wow, the kids at the childrens home were all over me when I brought my camera out. All I heard for the next hour was "obruni, picture" followed by "last one, then I go". It was crazy but I got a lot of awesome pictures of the kids.

On Wednesday, I'm not sure what got into the girls, but wow, the oder ones were jumping all over the place. And mainly on top of me. I was sitting on the bench for a while, with them all over me, then I stood up. That was a bad idea, they nearly pushed me over several times. And they were all screaming and making a lot of noise at the same time.

We had our weekly meeting on Wednesday night and there were a few new volunteers. When we went out for supper, I realized that I am the only volunteer here that is from North America.  Which means almost everyone else loves soccer (sorry football), and there is nobody here to talk CFL and hockey with.

I bought a new phone on the street last week, but only because I was sick of the one I had been using. While bargining for it, one guy that was selling some other phones, looked at the person that was with me, another volunteer I live with, and said, "you are not obruni, you are an albino". It was possibly one of the funniest things I've heard while I've been here. I can now play music on the phone I have, and have become addicted to the Maroon 5 song Moves Like Jagger, its awesome.

Don't really know what else to tell you guys, I'm not travelling this weekend and will probably end up at church, which I have yet to go to during all my time here. Basically it will take several hours and it will be nothing like what we know as church back home. I've heard that you should go to church at least once while your here just to experience it, and that may be this sunday.

That's it for now, I'll be back sometime later, I'm not sure exactly when though.

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