Saturday, August 13, 2011

Feeling Better

So, I didn't have the greatest day on Wednesday, as you probably read. And so I wasn't all that excited when Auntie Esther asked me to accompany the same girl, Anita, to the hospital again on Friday. Auntie Esther called Anita my daughter, so I really had no choice but to go with her. I also wanted to be there for her.

We got to the hospital, and I carried her up to the same room, we had to change our sandals again. They actually started to change the bandage quite quickley compared to last time. She still cried and screamed alot. And I had to hold her arm still for a while, while they changed the bandage. But her had looked a little better. As in it wasn't dripping blood like last time. I'll spare you the details of what it looked like. If I've told you, then you know how bad it was.

They wrapped it back up and we were on our way out of the hospital again. She held onto me really tightly they whole way out to the van. The nurse that came with us from the childrens home bought some peanuts for Anita from the side of the road, while we were stuck in traffic. I thought that was really nice of her to do.

Now, back to the good stuff. I've seen a few hockey jerseys around, just like I did last time. I've seen a Doug Gilmour Toronto Maple Leafs jersey, a plain Toronto Maple Leafs Jersey, and a Montreal Canadiens Jersey too. While waiting in a tro-tro yesterday, I seen a Toronto Raptors hat the some guy was wearing.

I'm not sure what else to tell you, my time at the girls home has been awesome, and I already know how much I don't want to leave this place. I think it will be harder the second time around. But I'm not sure.

That's the girls home back there.

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