Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I don't like hospitals

Now before you think anything, its not because I was sick or injured or anything like that. But at the childrens home, about once a week they take some of the kids to the childrens home to the hospital for checkups and stuff like that. Usually just the ones that aren't as healthy. Well, since I've been here, there's been one little girl, I think about 3 years old, that has had her right hand bandaged up. (there may be a picture of her in the post below, she would be the one sleeping on the bench).

Auntie Esther asked if I could accompany her to the hospital today, so I said sure. When we got there, it was just me and a different house mother that walked up to the room where we needed to be. We had to change our sandals because it was more of a sterile room, but in reality, it wasn't really that sterile. Anyway, I'm sitting on a chair with this girl, Anita, and after finding out what exactly happened, (she stuck her hand in a pot of boiling water or soup, from what they told me is what happened), one of the doctors started to cut off the bandage on her hand to change the dressing. While I was still holding her, he was doing this and she was screaming and crying like crazy. When he finally got it all off, the look of her hand I can't even describe, and don't really want to describe actually. I will just say that is was still bleeding alot. So they just let her hand stay there, hovering over some gauze, so the blood didn't splash to much, for about 5 mins or so while they discussed something or other, I'm not sure what they were waiting for. She was screaming and crying the entire time.

When the house mother from the orphanage took her from me to take her to another room to check something, I finally started crying. I had tried so hard not to, but it was impossible. One of the doctors, or nurses, I'm not sure which one, told me to come with him out of the room. The other nurses were laughing at me because they have all seen worse, but I definatly haven't. So me and this other guy sat on the bench outside the room while the doctor finally started to put the clean dressing onto her wound. She still screaming during this, because they did not give her anything to dull the pain at all. Finally the guy looked in and said its all right to come back in. So I came back in, still crying and eventually we left the room, me carrying Anita, and went to meet up with the van that would take us back to the childrens home.

Needless to say, it wasn't the best of mornings. I've only ever been to the hospital here once before, and it was last year. And the little girl I held while we were there, passed away less than a week later. So I haven't had the best of luck.

Anyway, that's all for today. I'll be back here later, probably next week, but you never know, it may be this weekend, If I don't have any plans. And it will hopefully be with happier news than this was.

Have a great day everyone...


  1. good to hear how you are doing. Sorry about the little girls hand. You will have a better day tomorrow. oh and just so you know, we have taken our car to the co-op car wash 3 times, and I can still see G-6.... Thanks for that! Enjoy the rest of your time. miss you back here! Kim

  2. A hug would be in order right about now.


  3. Haha, Kim, you have no idea how much your comment made me laugh. That's so awesome that it is still there. I was hoping you would notice it.

    I could have definatly used that hug the other day. I'm glad I called home though. Made me feel better. Thanks.
