Sunday, July 18, 2010

Only 3 weeks to go...

Well this weekend I decided to stick around Kumasi and not do any travelling. There was a group of volunteers that went to Mole, I'm glad I already went as there is a whole bunch in the group going this weekend, and another group going next weekend as well. When I went there was only 5 of us so it was easy to get around, I wouldn't really want to go in such a big group.

Its 3 weeks today that I leave. Wow, that's crazy. Time really flies. I really should start buying stuff to bring home. I don't want to leave it to the last week and have to rush.

Some of the stuff that is here you wouldn't expect to be in Africa. You hear Celine Dion music all the time. I've heard some Backstreet Boys while walking though the market. I've seen some jerseys as well. I've seen Detroit Red Wings, New York Rangers, Chicago Blackhawks, Minnisota Vikings, Steve Nash from the Phoenix Suns. And even weirder, an Oshawa Generals of the OHL. And I didn't see this one, but one of the volunteers from Montreal seen a Timbits jersey that some kid was wearing in the market.

I've kinda run out of things to write about, you can't really explain completely what its like here. I think everyone should make a trip out here. Ok, maybe that's not possible, but if the chance comes up to do something like this. Don't think twice about it. I've never once felt unsafe here. The people are so friendly, even when you ask for directions they will gladly tell you where to go. And lots will even walk you to where you're going just to make sure you get there.

That's about it for now. I'll be back here at some point this week. I'm not sure when though.

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