Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not everything is sunshine and flowers...

So, I was by myself in the childrens home for a couple of weeks, which was alright. But last Thursday I actually got help, which was a good thing because what was only 6 girls that I helped take care of when I first got here, was 12 on Friday as we got another new baby. The new baby didn't look very healthy at all, she was smaller than the one month old babies we have. I was worrying about her all weekend. When I got to work on Monday and what was 12 girls was now 10. There was one girl that had a bigger head than normal, and she had only been there for a couple of weeks, who wasn't there. And the new baby that arrived on Friday wasn't there either. So I asked where they were, and the house mother told me that they were both in the hospital. Then I got word from on of the other volunteers in the boys house that the house mother that she was with told her that the one girl with the bigger head actually passed away on Sunday.

I believe that the one girl actually did pass away, although I don't really want to. I'm not sure about the new baby though. She could be in the hospital, that's what I'm hoping for anyway. I really do hope that she's just in the hospital, but the way she looked on Friday and the fact that even though the house mother told me that the one girl was in the hospital and she isn't, well, I'm don't exactly have the best confindence. But I could always be wrong, and I hope I am.

So, yeah, I haven't had the best week, and I only have 7 days left with the girls, I don't want to leave them. I only have 1 1/2 weeks left here as well, and I want to stay. Although I miss the food from home, as well as some other things. So at the same time that I don't want to leave, I can't wait to go home, its weird.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, you are doing such a wonderful thing by helping out over there. You are so brave and sweet and adventurous (one look at those spiders would have sent me home). By the sounds of things you are really enjoying your time over there. However, the Riders do need you to come home and root for them!
