Saturday, July 31, 2010

One Week More...

Wow, only one more week here. Time flies.

In the past week I've had 3 different marriage proposals and in total 4 guys that love me (the one guy didn't want to marry me, he just loved me, lol). Yeah, that's more then usual. Its like they all know I'm leaving. All of them from random people on the street. Two of them were in the market, one was just this morning from some guy painting the neighbours house, and the other walked up to the window of the tro-tro I was sitting in. I won't miss that to much.

Stickin around Kumasi for the weekend. I need to get some shopping done that I put off for a long time. I knew I was going to do that. Oh well.

Not much else new around here, I haven't heard any news about the little baby that I blogged about in my last post. I'm still not sure if she is really in the hospital or not. I do know for sure that the other one passed away. I'm still holding out hope that the little baby didn't.

Well, got to go now. I will be back here at least once maybe 2 more times before I leave. And when I get back home I will be sure to put pictures up.

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