Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm back...

First of all, I left the USB cable that plugs my camera into the computer at home so no pictures today, sooo sorry, try not to hate my to much.

But its not like their was anything really interesting, even though I went to the Cape Coast this weekend (more on that later). We caught a tro-tro (think old minibus with like 25 people crammed into it, yeah, its fun) and left at about 3:30 on friday for our 4 hour journey to the Cape Coast. The ride was suprisingly not that bad, even though it poured rain for a while and we had water coming in through the roof. Once we got there, we caught a taxi to our hotel and pretty much went right to sleep.

Saturday the plan was for me and Brigette to get up early in the morning and go out to Kakum National Park and to the canopy walk there. Well we did catch a taxi out their, but one I got out their I started feeling sick, so I stayed at the restaurant while Brigette did the canopy walk. We then took out taxi back home, and I slept for pretty much the rest of the day from 1 o'clock in the after noon. While the others went to one of the castles there and then to the beach and out for supper. I had no energy to do anything.

Sunday I woke up feeling a lot better so we went to a restaurant on the beach for some lunch and then took the tro-tro back to Kumasi. Another 4 hour jouney, and it rained again, but I didn't get wet this time.

On the drive back from the Cape Coast I realized their are definatly a few thing I miss from home,
-the wide open prairies, there are to many trees here, its way to closed in for my liking
-apples, that was pretty much the only thing I wanted to eat when I wasn't feeling good, but their really hard to find.
-Saskatchewan Roads, ya that's right, the roads here are not that good, the best way I can describe the highways is they all mostly like the St. Louis (Hagen) highway was before they turned it pretty much into a gravel road. For those of you who know what I'm talking about, it will be good for a section, but then you'll have to slow down, almost stop for all the pot holes.
-Hockey/Football- Ya, that's right, it sucks to be missing the Stanley Cup playoffs. Even though training camp hasn't started yet for the Riders, I already miss it.

What will I miss when I leave here,
-being called "obruni" everywhere and having all the kids wave at you when you walk down the streets. It still puts a smile on my face, and hopefully I don't get sick of it, I haven't yet.
-being able to buy almost anything from the side of the road, even when you are sitting in a taxi/tro-tro
-FanIce/FanYogo-Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt that you can buy in the store or on the side of the road in little packages. Its almost always frozen or at least cold and sooo good. I've have one almost every day for the past week

I'm pretty sure I seen somebody on a motorbike, wearing a Chicago Blackhawks touque. I thought I was going crazy, maybe I am.

Thats pretty much it for today, sorry about the no pictures, but I should be back here for an update on Wednesday, and I'll have pictures then.

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