Saturday, May 15, 2010


Well it's been 5 days since I've gotten to here and this is the first time I've been able to post anything, sorry about that.

Instead of it taking me 1 day to arrive in Accra it took me 2 days due to the volcano. But it was nothing a stop over in Ethiopia didn't fix. Instead of one six hour flight from Frankfurt to Accra, it took one seven hour flight and another six hour flight. And it ended up being 1 hour of sleep in about 34 hours, but I finally got sleep on the flight out of Frankfurt. But I finally got here.

I was picked up at the airport by one of the Projects Abroad staff and went to the office in Accra, after introducing me to some of the people that work there, he showed me where I would sleep for the night and even though it was only 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I didn't do much else that day except sleep. I was woken up to eat supper, then went back to sleep. They woke me up again at 3:30am to board a bus to Kumasi. The bus left at about 4:30 but it was airconditioned so it wasn't to bad.

After finally arriving in Kumasi after the 4 1/2 hour bus ride, I met some the staff in Kumasi and they took me to my host home where I would be for the next 3 months. Usually they start orientation right then (it was about 9am) but the bus ride made me a little sick so I slept some more. Then I was introduced to the city of Kumasi, and went to the market, I believe it is the biggest open air market in Ghana, its crazy busy there. Anthony (he works for Projects Abroad in Kumasi) took me around and I bought a phone, exchanged some money and showed me where some different things were.

Wednesdays are meeting nights for all the volunteers for Projects Abroad in Kumasi, so straight from the market we went there and met the other volunteers. There was only 1 other Canadian, and he was happy when I said I like hockey. After that we caught a taxi back to my host house and went to sleep.

The next morning was my first day at the Kumasi Childrens Home with the kids. The kids are definatly cuties. I can definatly see how I'm going to get attached to them. There are 3 different houses, 2 boys houses and 1 girls. I'm not sure where I'll pick to stay for my time there. It will be hard to choose as the kids are all so cute.

On my second day at the childrens home I had to find my way back to my back to my house alone because the other volunteer that is at the house and also works at the childrens home had left in the morning for the weekend. I was only a little bit of an adventure. But I found a taxi and got back to my house.

The Kids, oh their so cute. When you walk down the street they all shout at you "obruni" (means white)and they all want to touch your hand, ask you your name, and how you are doing. Since there are not many of us Obruni's around so you attract alot of attention and stares when you walk around and even when you are just riding in the taxi.

Thats all I can think of right now, but I know sure there's lots more so I'll do another blog hopefully sometime soon.

I miss you all.

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