Monday, May 3, 2010

First Post


As of right now it is 136 hours til I leave on my adventure to Ghana for 3 months. Its funny sometimes it seems like it came up way to fast, and other times it seems like time can't move fast enough and I just want to go.

For those of you that don't know I am going to Ghana for 3 months, through Projects Abroad. I'll be living in the second largest city of Kumasi working at an orphanage there. My hope for this blog is that I can update is as often as possible, how often that is, I have no idea. Hopefully I can add pictures as well, but who knows if I'll be able to do that. I leave on May 9th, which is Mothers Day, (sorry Mom) which I didn't plan on purpose. I return on August 9th, which is just in time to see the Michael Buble concert on August 14th. I made sure when I booked my trip that I would be back in time to see the concert, but while I'm away I'm missing the end of the 2nd round and the rest of the Stanley Cup Playoffs, which really sucks. I'm also missing the beginning of the CFL season, but I'm going to be back for the Labour Day Classic and the last half of the season along with the playoffs, but I made sure to bring some Roughrider stuff with me while I'm away. Ya, I know, priorities. Oh, and I'll miss Fathers Day (sorry Dad), and some birthdays.

That's about it for now, I'm not sure if I'll blog again before I leave. If I don't, I will miss everyone and I will see you all when I get back.

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