Friday, June 25, 2010

Wow, its so pretty

Hey, check out the new design. I figured I'd change things around.

Nothing much here, I'm stickin around here for the weekend. It will be good after all the travelling I've been doing. I'll get to sleep in, ok, maybe till only 8:30.

Its was funny, the other night I was telling Beatrice, my host mom, about the weather in Canada, and how it gets to -30 and -40. She was suprised that we still go outside when its that cold. Then again, she was suprised when I told her the other day that we go outside when its 0 degrees outside.

I'm hoping the weather isn't that cold when I get back home. I think I might freeze if its 20 *C.

No pictures again, sorry, but I should be back here this weekend hopefully and will hopefully have some pictures.

Only 1 1/2 months left, wow, it will be weird to go back home. It feels like before I came here, I couldn't believe being in Ghana, Africa. I couldn't imagine it at all. Now I can't believe I'm half done, time really flies and I know I will miss this place lots.

Thats about it for now.

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