Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mole National Park

Rider Pride in front of some baboonsOne of the Elephants we seen

One of the Monkeys that stole some food

The view from sitting in the Restaurant

In front of the oldest Mosque in Ghana, and one of the oldest in West Africa.

So from the pictures you can tell we went to Mole National Park this weekend and seen alot of wildlife. It was a great trip. We had monkeys, baboons, and warthogs around our hotel. We went on a canoe safari, and a jeep safari and on the jeep safari we seen about 10 elephants, it was awesome, because you hear stories about people who go up to Mole for a week and don't see any elephants.

While we were at the hotel, there were monkeys that jump up on the tables and steal some of the food you have. After we seen a few monkeys, a baboon came. They are bigger than monkeys and alot scarier. And their not that scared of obrunies, so they'll come and steal anything just to see what it is.

The first night we were their we slept in tents, on a wooden platform. There were 2 to a tent, and after we went to bed, Fiona, who was in my tent, decided to go to the dorm, where one of the other volunteers was sleeping. So I was left to get back to sleep, in a tent, outside in the middle of knowhere in the African wilderness. I did get some sleep that night. I could here animals walking around, and eating right beside my tent all night.

We went on a canoe safari the first night we were their, and didn't see anything, but it was still pretty cool. In the morning we went on the jeep safari where we seen the elephants. It was 2 different times, the first time there was about 5, and 4 of them ran off, but one stayed around for a little bit. The second time they were in the watering hole we walked to.

We swam in the pool at the hotel for most of the afternoon. I only got a little bit burnt. During the afternoon, it was the Ghana vs. Serbia match at the World Cup and Ghana won 1-0, I didn't really watch it, but you could tell what was happening based on the huge crowd watching the match.

We left on the Monday at 4 o'clock in the morning and took a 4 hour bus ride to Tamale. Then waited a while and took a 8 hour bus ride back to Kumasi. It was a long day and we didn't get back until 8 o'clock that night.

One of the bus companies that we took to Tamale and back is called STC. Half way around the world, and I take an STC bus on the weekend. I found that hilarious.

I did have more stuff to write about, but my time is almost up on here. And I have a lot of videos, but it wouldn't let me post them for some reason. I may be here tomorrow, hopefully with the videos, I'm not 100% sure yet.

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