Thursday, September 3, 2015

"Come see the Violence Inherent in the System"

Well after a wonderful couple of days in Bruges, we are leaving today to head to Brussels.  We were thinking of going to Berlin but that is on the other side of Germany and quite expensive to get there, so Brussels it is then.  We booked our next hostel for 3 nights and from there we will go to Germany then to Reykjavik and on home.  It's just over a week before we head home and it's gone by pretty fast.

The hostel we stayed in here in Bruges has the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept in. It is like sleeping on a cement block. I won't miss the bed at all.  I will miss the city though, it's awesome. But I am looking forward to going to Brussels and seeing what is there. 

I can't really think of anything else interesting to tell you guys.  I will say though that Bruges is probably the easiest city to get around in.  And to not get lost in. It drove us crazy in Edinburgh cause I swear that none of the streets have signs on them so it's difficult to tell what street your on. Which doesn't work well when you're trying to find your hostel.  Or walking for 2 hours to find the ferry you need to take in Hull. Yup, 2 hours with about 25 lbs on your back. That was kinda exhausting but I do enjoy all the money I likely saved not getting a taxi.

You'll be happy to know that I think I've already taken like 400 pictures at least. I've been kinda picture happy. 

That's all I got for now, but it's like 3:30 in the morning (not a soul in sight. City's looking like a ghost town, on a moonless summer night...) cough cough... haha. Anyway, it's the middle of the night right now where you guys are so ya'll won't see this until later sooo...bye for now.