Saturday, September 12, 2015


Figured I should post on here again since we are on the way back home. The last time I updated you guys we were just in our way too Brussels. Now that seems like a long time ago.

We stayed three nights in Brussels. I like that city actually, it was nice. One of the days we were there we went to the Belgium Military Museum  (or something like that) and walked around there. The had a separate place where they had probably like over 20 planes. It was awesome, and I made a point to take a load of pictures cause I knew dad would be jealous. They even had 2 different Canadian military planes.

After our time in Brussels we took a bus to Düsseldorf and stayed there for 4 nights. Düsseldorf was nice as well although there was very little English. I can count on 1 hand the amount of English speakers we came across. Which doesn't bother me too much but can be tiring if your not used to it. We wandered around the city and went up in the tower that there is, that was pretty cool. We took a train to Frankfurt and just stayed there the one night.

Yesterday we flew to Iceland which we were looking forward too. If I had longer here I think I'd really enjoy it. It's a beautiful country. Although I would probably rent a car if you're here for a while, we didn't get a taxi back to the airport and instead walked for 2 hours. That was fun....

Anyway, we are just hanging out at the airport at the moment waiting for the flight to Edmonton.

I'll see everyone when I get back and I shall update this thing again likely. Likely when I have a computer and not just my phone that it a pain to type on.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

"Come see the Violence Inherent in the System"

Well after a wonderful couple of days in Bruges, we are leaving today to head to Brussels.  We were thinking of going to Berlin but that is on the other side of Germany and quite expensive to get there, so Brussels it is then.  We booked our next hostel for 3 nights and from there we will go to Germany then to Reykjavik and on home.  It's just over a week before we head home and it's gone by pretty fast.

The hostel we stayed in here in Bruges has the most uncomfortable bed I've ever slept in. It is like sleeping on a cement block. I won't miss the bed at all.  I will miss the city though, it's awesome. But I am looking forward to going to Brussels and seeing what is there. 

I can't really think of anything else interesting to tell you guys.  I will say though that Bruges is probably the easiest city to get around in.  And to not get lost in. It drove us crazy in Edinburgh cause I swear that none of the streets have signs on them so it's difficult to tell what street your on. Which doesn't work well when you're trying to find your hostel.  Or walking for 2 hours to find the ferry you need to take in Hull. Yup, 2 hours with about 25 lbs on your back. That was kinda exhausting but I do enjoy all the money I likely saved not getting a taxi.

You'll be happy to know that I think I've already taken like 400 pictures at least. I've been kinda picture happy. 

That's all I got for now, but it's like 3:30 in the morning (not a soul in sight. City's looking like a ghost town, on a moonless summer night...) cough cough... haha. Anyway, it's the middle of the night right now where you guys are so ya'll won't see this until later sooo...bye for now.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

'Cause I'm a Lowlife...*

Hey all! (Or like, the two people that read this). I figured I should update you all since I haven't in a few days. Well other than that Happy Birthday post to my dearest mother.
We are currently in Bruges, Belgium at the moment and I must thank all the people that recommended this city for us to go to as it is quickly becoming a favourite.  To get here we took a ferry from Hull to Zeebrugge. It was a 13 1/2 hour ride that was also overnight.  I wasn't sure if I could make the trip without getting seasick, but surprisingly I was perfectly fine which was nice. When we got off the ferry we had to get our passports stamped to get into Belgium. That actually took longer than I thought as the guy had some sort of an issue with Grant's passport and after about 5 minutes of talking with the other dude stamping the passports we were finally let in.  Well, it also took me giving the guy my phone to look at my confirmation email for the hostel we are currently staying in.  I'm not sure what the issue was, but it's kinda funny now that we have been let in and it's all good.
I don't think I posted about Edinburgh (sorry, that was a squirrel moment).  I quite like that city as well.  While we were there we ran across a festival of some sort.  There were a lot of buskers (street performers) all over the place.  We saw some really entertaining ones and I did catch some on video as well.  Our hostel for that Edinburgh was actually just a whole bunch of shipping containers put together which was a little different.   I knew that's basically what it was when I booked it but didn't bother to tell Grant as it was funnier that way.
Also, if you're wondering (you're might not be but I'm going to tell you anyway), I did through a little party for Grant's 18th birthday.  I bought a happy birthday banner, a cake, candles (not lit though, we were inside) and a present and card.  So that was fun, we spent his birthday in a small hostel in Hull watching Interstellar.
That's all I have for you now. I'm actually typing this Monday night, and once a connect to some WiFi I'll post it.
*The reason for the title is I didn't know what to title this blog as I'm not creative but I do recall a comment from my Dad o  a post from a couple of years ago saying something about titling a post "Cause I'm a Lowlife". So I'm naming it that just for him.