Friday, October 28, 2011

One Month Gone

It has been just under one month since I left Kumasi. I can't really believe that. Where did that month go? I said I'd update this thing a couple of weeks ago, but yeah, clearly that didn't happen. Coming back home the second time is actually alot different than coming home the first time. When I got back last year I was so pumped to see everyone and get the food that I was craving. This time, I was excited to see everyone again, but it was definatly different. I didn't have a list of food that I wanted to eat when I got back, like I did last time. Last year when I came back I had almost my entire first week of meals planned out of food that I wanted. This year I was asked what I wanted to eat for my first supper back and I didn't really care that much. All I know is that I didn't want rice.

I can't really say why it is so different this time. Maybe its because I knew more what to expect coming back this year. It was the same going to Ghana a second time, it was easier to get into a routine the second time. And coming back the second time is a lot easier.

What was really nice coming back this time was that a week after I got back my parents had their 25th anniversary celebration type thing, so the house was full for a couple of days. I saw people that I haven't seen in a long time.

One story that I don't think I've told on here before (forgive me if I have) happened at one of our wednesday night meetings. One of the volunteers that was there at the time was from New Zealand. Quite often we would have quiz nights, the team who lost in the last quiz had to be the "Quiz Master" for the next quiz. The guy from New Zealand was the quiz master on this particular night. After about 30 questions, 2 teams were still tied for first. The team I was on, and another one. So the quiz master had to make up extra questions to break the tie. One of the questions was, Where is the Rugby World Cup being held this year? So naturally I said, loudly, that nobody cares about rugby. Which in most other situations would just slide by. Well not so much this time, at the time I was the only volunteer from North America. And what I also didn't know, but could've helped at the time, was that rugby in New Zealand is the same as hockey is here in Canada. Basically their nuts about it. The look I got from the guy from New Zealand was quite hilarious.

And actally, I have watched more rugby since I've been home than I have in my entire life. Its actually pretty good to watch. Just a day after I got back, Canada played New Zealand in the world cup. So naturally I had to watch it. Canada lost, by a lot. But to put it in perspective, the commentator said that New Zealand playing Canada in rugby is basically the same as what would happen if Canada played New Zealand in hockey.

Ok, I don't know what else to tell you. I really enjoy being home, no matter how much I say I miss Ghana, which I do, tons.

Stay tuned, I'll probably update this place again at some point in time.

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