Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One Full Year

One year ago right now, I was on a plane headed to Ethiopia, have a 2 hour layover, then fly to Accra. Wow, time flies. It seems like it was just yesterday when I was saying goodbyes at the airport and jumping on an airplane to fly halfway around the world by myself. It seems a little crazy now. But I wouldn't go back and change my decision to do it, for anything. There was only one moment that I thought, what am I doing, am I crazy? That was just after I arrived in Frankfurt, Germany, missed my connecting flight, then stood in a lineup for 2 1/2 hours, got to the front of that lineup and have the guy say, "Sorry, I can't help you." Ha, that was fun. After a few minutes of asking for help and getting absolutly none, I found a someone willing to help and she pointed me in the right direction and a found the right place to go in about 2 minutes. So thanks, to the random worker at the Frankfurt Airport.

Since I've been home, I've been trying to tell all the stories that happend to me while I was there. I would think I've told everything, but quite often I'll remember something that I haven't told anyone. Just a couple weeks ago, I told a new story to my parents, they were suprised to still be hearing new things.

To be honest, I'm not quite sure why I decided to start another blog. I just wanted to start writing again.  It was a couple weeks ago, when I came home and found that water had came into the basement through my bedroom window. I stood at the top of the stairs and thought, I don't want to go downstairs. I didn't want to see what had happend to my room. My journal, that I wrote in everyday for 3 straight months, and where I put all my little bus passes and all my little papers inside of my journal, was sitting on a shelf right below my window (where the water came in). I didn't want to go into my room, I didn't want to know if that jounal was completely wrecked or not. Finally, I went into my room and discovered that my journal was actually perfectly fine. I'm not quite sure how, the water came in right above where it was sitting, and came down the wall right behind it. I was more happy that it was fine than anything else.

In the past few months, I have spoken about my trip at a few different places. If you know me, you no that I am definatly not a public speaker. But they have gone actually pretty good. I think its because I know what I'm talking about. Might I say I've actually enjoyed public speaking, wow, I never thought I'd say that.

Its funny, at least once a day I will see something or hear something that will make me think of something that happened in Ghana, or something that they have in Ghana. I'll stop, smile, and keep going on with my day. I can't believe its been 9 months since I've had a FanIce, that was the best. I actually had a craving for it today. Ok, maybe FanIce isn't the most important thing in the world, but I couldn't possibly list everything I miss. The list would begin with the girls at the Children's Home and go on from there. I have several pictures of them up on my wall in my room, and as my background on my computer, among other places.

That's about it for now. But stay tuned...

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