Saturday, November 27, 2010

Was that a dream?

As of the countdown clock right now, its been 111 days, 7 hours, 51 minutes and 39 seconds and since I've landed in Saskatoon. Wow, time has flown.

I've gone back and read all my posts that I made while I was gone, hmm, at least now I know that I won't be a writer in the future. I knew what I was talking about, but didn't exactly explain some things very good. Like the term "Obruni" it means white person in twi (the local language). That had become like my second name, and other "obruni's" like myself got shouts at us all the time because we stuck just a little bit. Whether it was just walking in the market, walking anywhere for that matter, or riding in a taxi or tro-tro. You have people that openly stare and point at you. I was suprised that I never actually got too sick of it. 

 What do I miss, well, everything, but more specifically:

- FanIce - the best ice cream 40 peswas can buy
- Water Sachets - 500 ml of pure water in a sachet 5 peswas each. I miss buying it on the street and ripping the corner of one open with my teeth
- Tro-tro's - who wouldn't want to sitting in a mini bus type vehicle that sounds like its going to fall apart, squished beside other sweaty people who you know are talking about you because they say obruni, but that's all you understand. Ahh good times.
- Taxi's - Bargining with taxi drivers who, because your an obruni, think that they can jack up the price alot and you won't know any better. I had one guy try and charge me 5 times what it should cost, needless to say I laughed and walked away. 
- The food - the food was so good. Jollaf rice, fufu, yams, lots of chicken and fice, rice, and stew that I didn't ask what was in it.
- Beatrice - My host mother, she was the best. She was always making sure the volunteers that lived with her were always feeling good. She was an awesome cook and she was always good to answer any questions we had about the Ghanaian culture.
- Alberta, Auntie Ama, and Abigal - Alberta was our cook during the week days, and made the best jollaf rice. Auntie Ama, she is Beatrice's sister that lived with her. She didn't speak english, but I wish that I could've had a conversation with her, she seemed awesome. Abigal, Beatrice's adopted daughter, 2 1/2 years old but she was very smart for her age, I miss her running around the house singing at the top of her lungs, even at 6 o'clock in the morning.
- The girls at the orphanage - They are the sweetest, and cutest little girls you will ever meet. Even though they have no possesions to their name, they are still happy. Even on the days when there toy of choice will be a plastic spoon. Even on the days when they all decide to want to run down towards the kitchen, then cry when I try to herd them back the the girls house. I wasn't very happy with them at the time, since I was by myself, but its all worth it when the come running to you and just want a hug and to be held because they're crying. There was one little girl that I wrote about a bit more, she was the 1 1/2 year old that was really tiny and couldn't sit up by herself or walk. The house mother called her my princess. One of my happiest moments ever was during my last week when I was holding her and she was sitting between my legs on the floor, and I let go and she actually sat up by herself for about 10-15 seconds. I was beyond happy for her, I hope she's doing just as good now as she was when I left. I don't think anyone knows just how much I wanted to bring her home with me and just how much I miss her.

As of right now, I'm working full time, but am saving my money to go back, when and for how long isn't decided yet. But there is no question that I'll be back, and that it will be soon. I bet someone when I was there that I was coming back and that it would be before October 1, 2012, I don't plan on losing that bet.

A special treat for you:

My princess is the second to last girl you see that kind of claps her hands.

Oh yeah, since the Roughriders play in the Grey cup in less than 24 hours, GO RIDERS GO!!

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