Thursday, April 14, 2016

On the Road Again

Post title brought to you by my mom's favourite singer.  

It's that time of year again. Yup, I started searching for flights to... somewhere.  I was thinking cheap this year, which rules out the US and basically anywhere else. So Canada it is. My first thought? Wow, flights are really expensive to go anywhere in Canada. So after a bit of time searching for cheap and interesting places to go (including Winnipeg, P.E.I. and Quebec City) I came up with Victoria.  Ok, maybe it is because that's where my parents just came back from on their holidays. But I've also heard so many good things about the city. That, and the flights were not expensive at all.

So I booked my flights there for a week. Booked my hostel room for also a week. Luckily I booked the same week for both and so at the end of June I'm headed to Victoria.  I'm pretty excited, but really shouldn't have booked it this early, cause man, I don't wanna wait for 2 months.

I've heard of a few good places to go while I'm there. The hostel I booked is within walking distance of what I want to see.  Because when I stay somewhere, I really don't want to have to rent a car, so my "walking distance" is anything that is with an hour walk.  It could also be more than an hour if you go by some of the walks my cousin and I did in Europe last year (there was a couple that were 1 1/2 to 2 hours with a 20 lb backpack).

The room I booked is just a single room, I could've gone with the dorm for a little cheaper but at the end of the day I really just want to sit a read a book.  There is a little bar/cafe thing right in the hostel that I can go to if I want.  Most importantly, there is a grocery store about a block away.  So I can get cheaper food than just eating at a restaurant the whole week.

Not a thrilling post I know, but lets be honest, this is never anywhere close to thrilling.  I strive for "slightly above boring". I'm probably not even there either.

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