Friday, July 5, 2013

In a World Like This...

Hey all,

You didn't think I'd post here again so fast did you? Ok, maybe not so fast, but compared to my last update, I'm speedy. Well, neither did I. But here I am. I first want to say how cool it is that I am apparently getting people who read my blog from all over the world. That's awesome.Over half my views from this past month have been from overseas. So hello everyone!!

Now onto what I really wanted to's that I have the travel bug again. I've been in one place far too long. Not that I don't like it here. But I need to go and see something. What? I don't know, but I do know that while I'm still going back to Ghana at some point, I want to see more of the world. Now I know your thinking "are you nuts?", and sometimes I think I am, but I still want to travel. I've always wanted to travel, my first love was Italy simply because I liked pasta, and that came from Italy as far as I was concerned. And also I wanted to go there because I loved learning about Ancient Rome when I got older. I did make it there in 2005 on a school trip and loved every minute of it. Then came the decision to go to Africa. I had always wanted to go there long before I told anyone my intentions. I remember watching those World Vision shows that they had on TV for hours, even though they tended to repeat after a while, when I was not even 10 years old yet. Then I got it in my head that I needed to go and do something, so I picked up and left.

And yeah, it was a little nerve-racking the first time around. Before that, the furthest I had travelled completely by myself was only 4 hours away from my parents to Moose Jaw, and even then I had my Grandparents close by. But that didn't stop me from flying half way around the world by myself to Africa. And while I do believe people back here were worried when I missed that one flight and they didn't know where I was because they didn't know when my connecting flight was, I was perfectly fine. I wasn't to worried. I figured out it's just easier not to worry yourself to much, I won't help and just get you worked up. Although I do remember that first phone call to my Dad, almost six days after I had seen him last, that was completely awesome.

Anyway back to my original point, I need to travel. But it won't be anytime this year, there is this thing called a job that gets in the way. Although I will admit working in insurance actually pretty good. I enjoy it, surprisingly. But I still need to travel, I want to see the world. And it will happen, just like I told everyone that I was going to Ghana in the first place, and just like when I told everyone I was going back, they're likely not going to believe me. It's ok, I've come to expect that. But I figure I might as well do it while I'm young and not tied to anything. I figure that I should do what my auntie and I discussed a while ago, that when I go to the airport next time, only tell my parents that I'm going for a few weeks. But just as I get through security, yell back to them that I'm actually leaving for a year and then run like h*ll. We figured it would be hilarious to see there reactions to it.

I don't know what else to tell you, I doubt anybody even cares at this point anyway. But just wait and see, once I have the time and money, I'm outta here...again. Just don't tell the parents.

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