Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Sound Of Silence

At this time 6 years ago I believe I was on my flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This was after my 12 hours in the German airport.  Good times.  I've been doing what find myself doing quite often recently, looking through my pictures and emails from when I was in Kumasi. I was watching some of the videos I took while at the children's home, and apparently I have not watched them in a while cause I was killing myself laughing. My girls were the cutest girls around.

I can't believe it's been 6 years since I left after making the best decision of my life. I was thinking of this earlier and I honestly can't think of a bigger, better decision.

In other news, it's been 3 months since I broke my arm.   I slipped on the ice in February and hyper extended my arm.  I knew that something was wrong right away and sat in my office at work waiting for my dad to get there to take me to minor emergency.  I kept telling the girls at work the I didn't think it was broken, but that was just wishful thinking.   After many hours sitting and waiting in the hospital for the doctor, he walked and told me that I'd need surgery. So the next day  had my first ever surgery and 2 weeks after that had my second surgery cause the screws from the first one didn't hold. But after a month in a cast and another month I  am brace of have close to full movement in my arm.  Just some more physio appointments to go.

It is funny how different people think. When ever I mentioned to someone I slipped on the ice in front of the credit union the first question of got was "Are you gonna sue them?" I just don't get that thinking, cause it's winter in Saskatchewan and there is likely going to be some ice. I just got unlucky and sh*t happens.  At least is wasn't an old lady or someone pregnant.

But I really should say thanks to the doctors and nurses and anyone else who helped me out. Since I'd never been to the Victoria Hospital before I didn't know what to expect, but it was fine.

Also I should say thanks to my parents who let me live with them for a week after each of my surgeries while I was still a little drugged up.  I got a lot of Netflix watching in.

Ok, this post kinda jumped around a bit, but it wouldn't be a post of mine without that.

That's all I got for you right now. Just over one month until my next holiday so I'll talk to you all then.

P.s. Blog title is just a really good song. Check out The Sound of Silence by Disturbed