Thursday, July 7, 2011

Almost Goodbye...

-Malaria Pills - Check
-Ghanaian Visa - Check
-Flights Booked - Check
-Place to live - Check
-Place to work - Check

T-minus 588 hours and I'll be on my flight back to Ghana and I can't wait.

This month is definatly not going to go by fast enough. When I went last year, the whole month before was excited and nervous at the same time. I wanted time to fly and to slow down at the same time. I couldn't imagine being in Ghana. This time around, I want time to go by much quicker than it is. Ever since I found out that I'll be back at the Kumasi Children's Home, I've wanted to pick up and go back now. I don't want to wait the 3 weeks to go back. But I guess I have no choice.

My visa just came in the mail today, that was the last piece that I needed to pick up before I leave. I was only a little worried about it. I put my visa application in the mail the day before the Canada Post lockout, and was trying not to think about it possibly not getting here in time. But it all worked out.

If you don't know, I'm going for 2 months back to the Childrens Home. I was there for 3 months last year and loved it. I'm going back knowing it will be a great time, because Kumasi is a great place, but at the same time, knowing that it will be a different experience with different people. I'm looking forward to seeing the kids at the Children's Home, and looking forward to seeing how they have grown up since I've seen them last.

I'm going into this trip knowing more what to expect, so there won't be as much shock. Although last year I didn't really have any culture shock, I don't know how I managed it. I think I was just so tired and miserable from the more than 2 day trip to get to Kumasi, that I just decided to go with it. I remember it was in the airport in Calgary when I knew I would probably miss my connecting flight in Frankfurt, that I decided that I couldn't control whether the plane would get there in time. I thought that there was no point stressing about it and to just try to not get to wound up about what was happening. I'd say it worked pretty good, especially while standing in a lineup for 2 1/2 hours only to have the guy at the front tell me he couldn't help me. Ahh, good memories....

I'll write more later when it is closer to when I leave, which is on August 1st, if you didn't know that.

PS. The title of this post is the name of a song, can anyone guess who sings it (leave a comment, I like comments). The lyrics don't really work with the post, but I love the song, and the title fits, so I'm leaving it.