Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm Home...

Hey, sorry about the long wait, but I'm finally updating my blog from home.

I left Kumasi on Sunday the 8th in the morning, with a few tears. Got a bus to Accra at 8 am. The bus ride was not to bad, and I got to Accra at about 1pm. Took a taxi to the airport and had a good 4 hour wait till I could even check my luggage. Finally the time came to check my luggage and I made it up to the gate and waited a bit longer. I spent 9 hours in total waiting in the Accra airport, but it turned out not to be to bad.

The flight left only about 10 minutes late, which compared to my trip to Ghana, was nothing. I got to Frankfurt just after 7 am in the morning local time and my flight to Calgary left at about 9:30. It was easy finding the right gate, and I only ended up sitting and waiting in the airport for 1 1/2 hours, which was awesome. The flight to Calgary left on time, and the flight itself seemed to take forever, but we eventually made it to Calgary.

I got to Calgary after 11 am local time and actually had to pass through customs. The lineup was really long and I figured I wouldn't make my flight to Saskatoon just because I had good luck like that. But the line went really fast and I made it through pretty quick. I had to pick up my luggage and re-check it. It was a good thing for me just so I could see that my stuff actually made it at least to Calgary. It did, and I re-checked my luggage and went to find my gate. I found it and after a quick call home, I sat and waited for about 1 hour before my flight left. Time does not go by very fast when you sit and watch the clock, but the flight eventually left on time.

After the 9 hour flight to Calgary, the flight to Saskatoon felt like absolutly nothing. We landed and because of some other plane in our way, or something like that, we sat on the runway for like 10-15 mins. I actually don't know how long it was for, but it seemed to take longer than my whole trip from Ghana. Probably just because I could see the terminal and knew I was so close to seeing everyone.

We eventually got off the plane and finally seen everyone. It was great to see everyone after 3 months of only phone calls. I had an apple that my Mom brought for me, because I hadn't had one in 3 months and it tasted great. It was about 2:30 pm, when I arrived and after relaxing for a while we went for supper at the Great Buffet of China. There was so much food and although I didn't have very much, it all tasted amazing.

We left Saskatoon and I figured I would crash, because I had been suprisingly not that tired. Well, I made it maybe 5 minutes out of Saskatoon when I fell asleep, and didn't wake up til we turned up the street back home.

Its so nice to be home, but at the same time I miss Ghana so much. When I was still in Kumasi half of me want to leave and go back home. But half of me did not want to leave at all. So it was tough to leave, but once I eventually got going, I was excited to go back home. But now that I'm back home, I want to go back and see my girls. It was really hard to leave them.

Thats about it.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Possibly last post from Ghana

I'm still not sure if I'll get back here to do another post, so this may be the last one. I fly out of Accra on Sunday night at 10:10 pm. And arrive back home in Saskatoon at 2:30 pm on Monday. As long as my flights all go according to plan, and its not like the trip I had to get here.

This whole week has been, its my last...I told everyone I'd be doin that, and I am. Tonight is my last Projects Abroad meeting, I'm really going to miss those guys.

I can't believe it took me this long to remember that you can listen to the radio over the internet. Just on Sunday I found Mix 101.5 website and was listening to that. I never though I'd be happy to hear the Northern Lights Casino commercial.

I'm really going to miss the girls at the orphanage. I was holding one of the little ones yesterday, and asked her if I could bring her home with me. Well, she can't talk and wouldn't be able to speak english anyway, but it sure sounded like she said "yes". She is just over 1 1/2 years old but is really small and can't sit up or talk or feed herself, but, like the house mothers at the orphanage say, she's my princess, lol. I'm definatly going to miss her. Hey, anyone at home wanna adopt a kid, she'd be great. lol. You can't blame someone for trying. In fact I know 11 lovely girls just dying to be adopted.

Alright, that's it for now, I have to leave to go to the meeting. I'm not sure if I'll update this again before I leave. But I will update again when I get back home for sure.